The Dos and Don’ts of Yellow Jacket Removal

Yellow jackets are an aggressive wasp and when you notice them on your property, you certainly want them gone! Yellow jacket removal should be done carefully since they will protect their nest fiercely and DIY attempts can sometimes make the problem worse. Here are some dos and don’ts of yellow jacket removal.

● Don’t use aerosol sprays for yellow jacket removal. If there is a nest within the walls of your home, using an aerosol spray will only force the yellow jackets further inside. While the nest has been destroyed, dispersing the yellow jackets will only spread the infestation.
● Do take preventative measures. Prevention is the best solution for avoiding the need for yellow jacket removal. Take away any temptations by keeping food and drink covered when you’re outdoors, including pet food. Keep garage cans tightly closed and don’t keep standing water on your property.
● Don’t kill honeybees. When you have a yellow-striped bug buzzing around your head, your instinct may be to grab the flyswatter. Verify that it is a yellow jacket and not a honeybee, which has an important role in the ecosystem. Yellow jackets are thinner and less hairy than honeybees, with wings that are as long as their body.
● Do call in the experts. Calling a professional pest control company right away will ensure that yellow jacket removal is performed safely and effectively.

Yellow jackets are an unpleasant pest, but with prevention and the right treatment you can keep your home and your property nest-free.