Propane Heating FAQs: Answering Your Burning Questions

There are lots of ways to keep your home cozy and warm during the cold months of the year, but one of the increasingly popular methods is to use a propane heating system. If you’re interested in learning more about what the benefits of propane heating are before you install a unit in your own home or your home is already fitted with a propane unit, and you want to learn more about it, check out the answers to these commonly asked questions about propane heating.

How does propane heating work?

Propane heating uses propane gas as a fuel source – the gas is burned in a boiler or furnace, heating up air or water that is then distributed throughout your home via ductwork or radiators.

Why do people say propane heating is environmentally friendly?

Propane is a clean-burning fuel, meaning it produces fewer greenhouse gasses than many other fossil fuel forms. It also does not harm soil or water.

Are propane heating systems safe?

Yes, when they have been installed properly and receive the right care, propane heating systems are perfectly safe. Regular professional maintenance is essential, as with most heating elements. Propane also contains an odor that makes it easy to detect leaks, allowing you to take immediate action.

Can I switch to propane heating from a different type of heating system?

Yes, a trained professional can help you make the switch to propane heating. The process will likely require some adjustments to your current system, so consulting a professional is essential.

How often do propane heating systems need maintenance?

Most manufacturers recommend annual inspections to ensure your propane heater is working correctly. You can consult a professional to determine the best schedule for your unique system.