Keep Your Engine Tuned: 3 Simple Ways to Avoid Emergency Garage Door Repair

Your garage door has quite a few key components that make it open and close smoothly and seamlessly. One of the most important components is the engine of your garage door opener, which is what provides the power required for the door to move. When your garage door engine is not operating as it should, it may cause the door to respond slowly or make a lot of noise. The biggest issue is if the door gets stuck either open or closed due to a faulty engine. Avoid getting trapped in your garage and calling for emergency garage door repair with these three simple maintenance tips for your garage door engine.

  1. Perform a regular inspection of your garage door engine. Check the system one or two times a year to see if it is running properly. If there are any loose bolts, use a wrench to tighten them. Take note of any unusual noises or movements. Getting service for a minor issue will help avoid a larger garage door repair problem down the road.

  2. Keep the tracks clear of debris and rust. The engine will have to work harder to move the garage door if the tracks on either side are slowing it down. Keep it running efficiently by ensuring that they are clean and clear. Use a level to check that they are plumb; you may be able to make some minor adjustments, but make sure you call in the professionals for major track adjustments.

  3. Lubricate moving parts. Reduce stress on the garage door engine by keeping rollers and other moving parts well lubricated. Use a high-quality spray lubricant on rollers and hinges twice a year, making sure to wipe off any excess. If they seem to be stuck, use a penetrating solution such as WD-40.

Keeping your garage door system in overall good condition will help the engine run efficiently, improve its lifespan, and avoid the need for emergency garage door repair.