How to Make Your Air Conditioning More Efficient

Staying cool in the spring and summer is much easier when you have reliable air conditioning, but you might find that your wallet is feeling it. Air conditioning can certainly take a toll on your finances, so you might be looking for ways to help your air conditioner run more efficiently and other solutions to reduce your energy consumption. Here are a few ideas to help you make your air conditioning more energy efficient.

  • Keep Up with Regular Maintenance – So many people overlook maintenance when it comes to their air conditioners or other systems, but that is a mistake. Maintenance keeps all the components clean and functional, and it provides an opportunity to inspect for issues before they can worsen. Maintenance will not only extend the lifespan of your air conditioning system but also keep it running optimally, which keeps your energy bills down.
  • Don’t Rely Solely on Air Conditioning – If energy efficiency is that important to you, don’t make air conditioning your only cooling solution. Use ceiling fans or tower fans more frequently, as these use less energy. You can also make sure to close the curtains in rooms you’re not using and clean the roof to remove any debris or dark contaminants that might absorb heat.
  • Consider Upgrades – Choosing upgrades is often a part of efforts to be more energy efficient, and it isn’t any different for air conditioning. In addition to upgrading the air conditioner itself, you could also upgrade other parts of your home, like the windows or insulation.