Could I Have Peripheral Neuropathy? 3 Red Flags You Shouldn’t Ignore

Neuropathy is a disease that is caused by many different things. The nerves in your body play an important role in sending signals from the brain to different parts of the body. Different nerves do different things, so it can be difficult to pinpoint if the symptoms you are experiencing are due to problems with your nerves or have another source. Peripheral neuropathy is usually experienced within the extremities, most often the hands and feet. Those who suffer from peripheral neuropathy could have it because of a genetic issue or a dietary one, such as diabetes. If you are wondering if you could have peripheral neuropathy, here are a few red flags that you shouldn’t ignore:

1. Loss of sensation in the extremities or numbness. This sensation can occur gradually, which is one of the reasons it can be so problematic. People with peripheral neuropathy can lose the feeling in their hands or feet slowly and over time, which enables them to somewhat adapt to the sensation. However, it also leaves these individuals open to injuries and infections if they do not perform frequent checks of their extremities because they will not be able to feel the pain usually sent by the nerves to the brain.
2. Tingling sensation. Think back on a time when you slept or sat wrong and woke up with a tingling sensation in your arms or legs. Peripheral neuropathy can feel similar to that, except it doesn’t go away or cease, even with movement.
3. Warm sensation or burning feeling. One of the most troubling sensations for peripheral neuropathy is when patients report a burning sensation. Sometimes an individual might mistake it for the burning of athlete’s foot when it is really a nerve problem.

We hope that this information has been helpful. If you are experiencing any of these red flags, please see a competent medical provider today.