Auto Services: Remembering Your Next Car Tune-Up

When you need to get on the road, the last thing you think about is getting a tune-up for your car – you just want to go from point A to point B! What’s important to remember, however, is that routine auto services like a car tune-up are what allow you to stay on the road safely. So, how do you remember when to have your car tuned up?

  1. Make a Date – One easy way to remember your next tune-up is to set a date that’s designated just for your car. If June 3 is your auto services date, then you’ll keep it the same every year as long as you are driving your car.
  2. Schedule a Reminder – With technology these days, it’s easy to schedule reminders for yourself that you need to have auto services done. Call your local auto shop to make an auto services appointment and put the date on your calendar on your phone or computer.
  3. Easy Oil Change – When all else fails, ask your auto technician to give your car a tune-up when doing other auto services, like an oil change. That way, you’ll always have your car in great working order when you go on vacation.