3 Commercial HVAC Maintenance Tips Before the Hot Weather Begins

Before the warm season comes, doing commercial HVAC maintenance is a good idea. Here are three commercial HVAC maintenance tips.

Clean the Cooling Equipment

Before you get your AC going when the warm weather comes, be sure the system’s been cleaned. Clean all the inside components like ductwork vents and blower fans. Clean the exterior components by clearing away grass, animal or insect nests, sticks, mud, and other types of debris. Remove the debris from vents and from your cabinet’s interior. Wash your cabinet’s outside using a mild commercial cleaner or detergent.

Change Your Air Filters

Something else you want to do is to make sure that you check your system’s air filters. If they’re dirty, change them. Starting out the spring with some new filters is a great idea. This will help your system to run a lot more efficiently. You can check the filters by holding the filter in front of a nice bright light. If you’re unable to see light through your filter, you want to change it.

Schedule Preventative Commercial HVAC Maintenance

Before the warm season really gets going, you want to have some preventative maintenance done. Have an HVAC professional come in and look over your system. This will let you know if there are any major problems before you really need to start using your air conditioning.

These are three commercial HVAC maintenance tips for your AC before the warm weather comes. They’ll help your HVAC system be ready for the heat.