termite control services by a professional exterminator

What makes termites so devastating is that it’s hard to tell that they’re there until it’s too late. Usually, significant damage has already been done by the time you realize that you have termites. This can result in substantial costs to cover the damage. You can prevent this from happening with termite control services by a professional exterminator. There are three types of termite species:

  1. Subterranean – Most destructive type, building tunnels to find food and escape open air
  2. Drywood – Less common, require little moisture to survive
  3. Dampwood – Attracted to high-moisture wood or water-damaged wood

No matter the type, termites are always destructive to any home and can cause major damage that will be very expensive to repair. Some exterminators use a device called a Termatrac. This device is used to detect and track termites in any structure. It’s a great way to detect termites rather than the old-fashioned method of removing floor boards and ripping out sections of wall.

Once detected and confirmed, they’ll go to work by applying specific termite treatment programs depending on your situation. After the initial treatment, all termites will be controlled or prevented. Your home and business should always be protected from these types of pests, so why not rely on a licensed exterminator that can do all of this? In addition to termite control, they usually also handle other types of pest control, including mosquitos, bed bugs, and cockroaches. Call an exterminator as soon as you suspect termites on your property.