This makes it hard to know when septic tank pumping is needed
This makes it hard to know when septic tank pumping is needed

Septic tanks do work on a schedule, but when they need pumping is not always perfectly consistent. Sometimes a septic tank will need pumping more often or less often, depending on usage. This makes it hard to know when septic tank pumping is needed. Here are 5 tell-tale signs that you are in need of septic tank pumping.

1. Slow Draining: When your drains start draining slowly it may mean it’s time for septic tank pumping. This may be a sign that your septic tank is being overused, or that it is getting too full and needs to be pumped.

2. Strange Odor: When your drains start to smell it may be time to pump your septic tank. Not only is the smell gross, but it also means your septic tank is not doing its job which may be a health hazard.

3. Over-fertile lawn: A lawn that is getting over watered and fertilized may mean that your septic tank needs pumping. This is because the lawn is getting your excess liquid waste, which may help it grow, despite being dirty.

4. Pooling Water: When more excess water hits your lawn, you may notice water pooling in drain fields. This means the septic tank needs to be pumped soon.

5. Leaking Pipes: Places other than the drain field may be pooling water. If water is leaking or pooling elsewhere it may mean the septic tank needs pumping.

Knowing when to pump your septic tank can be difficult or anxiety inducing. The key is to be aware of how often you usually pump it and be aware of these five signs to avoid damages to your septic tank.