ANY septic system requires septic tank pumping
ANY septic system requires septic tank pumping

It is somewhat surprising that so many myths continue to be spread around about septic tank pumping and how detrimental that can be to those new to having a septic system, as well as those that have had one for several years. The last thing you want to find out is that some well-meaning advice turned out to be wrong and now you have to replace the septic tank or drain field at your home or business. Here are three myths that you need to know about that can save you money and frustration.

Myth #1: You don’t have to do septic tank pumping with an old system.

ANY septic system requires septic tank pumping. While a well-functioning system decomposes waste effectively, sludge is still created which settles to the bottom and will eventually cause the tank to be completely filled and will then backup into your home. Delaying septic tank pumping makes it extremely difficult to get compacted sludge out and your tank could fail, as well.

Myth #2: There is a set schedule for septic tank pumping of every 3 to 5 years.

While the absolute longest you should go is 5 years, it really depends on so many variables as to make it impossible to have a blanket statement like that. A large family with an undersized tank and poor waste practices could easily need septic tank pumping every 6 to 12 months. Since your septic system should be inspected annually, it isn’t a bad idea to have it pumped then so you never run the risk of it getting overwhelmed.

Myth #3: Your septic tank can handle anything you flush or put down the drains, like a huge trash can.

If you treat your septic system like a trash can, you are headed for trouble! You should only flush bio-degradable items and avoid anti-bacterial products, fat/oil/grease, harsh chemicals, and items that will block the pipes and cause serious repair issues.