While there are many plumbing services that will require a plumber, you may be wondering what tasks you can do. While the ability to do plumbing services yourself depends on skill and comfort level, there are some jobs that are easy enough to do yourself that calling a plumber may not be worth it. Here are 4 plumbing services you can perform yourself using only basic tools and the internet.

  1. Unclogging the Toilet: While this one seems obvious because everyone owns a plunger, it can be harder than you may expect. However, simply finding an online tutorial can save you a lot of money when compared to hiring a plumber for a simple job.
  2. Leaky Faucet: While this job can be challenging for someone who has never done their own plumbing services, it can be very rewarding to fix a leaky faucet. Following an online tutorial, you can find out what tools and what parts you will need for your particular faucet.
  3. Running Toilet: Many things can make a toilet continuously run, but it can be intimidating looking at all the parts when you take the lid off the toilet. After a little bit of experimenting with the chain, handle, flapper, and other parts you should be able to figure out how the system works using an internet guide. From there you should be able to place or replace parts where they need, or maybe you will be able to diagnose the toilet as having an issue that you can’t solve yourself.
  4. New Showerhead: Many online tutorials exist for finding out how to replace a showerhead. All you need is the basic tools the tutorial will call for, a new showerhead, and you should be able to do it yourself without issue.

While many things get complex, expensive, and dangerous when looking at plumbing, some things can be done yourself. The internet is a great tool that can give you a lot of confidence in doing simple plumbing services on your own home.